Join us Saturday June 6th at Tamalpais CrossFit in San Rafael from 8am-3pm for our Strong as a Bear II CrossFit comp. This competition will be fast paced, efficient and fun. No need to burn through a whole weekend to prove how fit you are. You will be finished by 3:00PM.
The categories are:
Masters 40-49
Masters 50+
Standards for the RX Division are as follows, if you can do all of the following you are RX, if you cannot, register as a Scaled athlete:
-8 unbroken Pull-ups
-1 Deadlift 225/135
-5 S-to-O 135/95
-Box Jump 30/24
-5 Toes-to-Bar
Masters competitors will be expected to be able to perform the following, if you cannot, please feel free to register as a Scaled athlete:
-Thruster 75/55
-KBS 53/35
Entry fee is $55 and registration will close on 5/29/15 and will be limited to 128 athletes. Please visit MindBody to register!
For the latest updates, information and WODs (posted prior to competition on 6/3/15) please check back here!
Sponsored by ATP Mechanix.
the WODS are:

WOD #1

12 Min AMRAP

20 Cal Row

15 Meter Overhead Walking Lunge

10 Plate Burpees

-Athlete starts with Bumper Plate on ground, moves to ground so that hands and chest are touching Bumper Plate with Knees and Feet on the ground. Athlete then jumps or stands to feet and picks up plate lifting it overhead with full arm extension with the center of plate held over the center of the body. This completes one repetition.

15 Meter Overhead Walking Lunge



Male RX 45#

Female RX 35#

Male 40+ 45#

Female 40+ 25#

Male 50+ 35#

Female 50+ 25#


Male Scaled 35#

Female Scaled 25#


Rest 3 Minutes


WOD #2

1000 Meter Run


WOD #3

In 6 Minutes Establish:

3 RM Thruster

-Athlete may go up or down in load as desired

-Athlete must remain on the 4’X6’ platform for the entire 3 repetitions


WOD #4

9 min AMRAP of:


Power Snatch


Burpee over Bar


Male RX 115#

Female RX 75#


Male 40+ 95#

Female 40+ 65#


Male 50+ 75#

Female 50+ 45#


Male Scaled 65#

Female Scaled 45#